This is the main function for a multifunction GUI written in Java

package MyFirstGUI;
//Kassandra Ring ***** CMIS 242/6382 ***** 10/4/2022

//Program displays three button GUI with options to convert miles, convert temperature, or exit
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class GUIConverter {

	// generic handler that does same action for all converters but gets as parameter as constructor the correct converter
	private static abstract class ConverterHandler implements ActionListener {

		private JFrame window = null;
		private Converter converter = null;
		private String msg;

		// setup frame to be used in JOptionPane
		public ConverterHandler(JFrame frame, Converter con, String msg) {
			window = frame;
			this.converter = con;
			this.msg = msg;

		//What to do if the temperature button is clicked
		public void tempPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

			String input = (String)JOptionPane.showInputDialog(window, msg);

			// check  input and set label
			if ((input != null) && (input.length() > 0)) {

				try {
					// convert to number
					double doubleInput = Double.parseDouble(input);

					//Make an instance of convert from TemperatureConverter
					TemperatureConverter Tc = new TemperatureConverter();
					double result = Tc.convert(doubleInput);

					// pop windows with converted value
					String msg = input + " F equals " + result + " C";
					JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(window, msg);

				//what to do with bad input
				} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
					System.out.println("value was not valid. Good Bye");
		//What to do if the distance button is clicked
		public void distPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

			String input = (String)JOptionPane.showInputDialog(window, msg);

			// check  input and set label
			if ((input != null) && (input.length() > 0)) {

				try {
					// convert to number
					double doubleInput = Double.parseDouble(input);

					//create instance of convert from distanceconverter
					DistanceConverter Dc = new DistanceConverter();
					double result = Dc.convert(doubleInput);

					// pop windows with converted value
					String msg = input + " miles equals " + result + " Kilometers";
					JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(window, msg);

					//What to do with bad input
				} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
					System.out.println("value was not valid. Good Bye");

	//Setup for input box for temperature coonverter
	private static class TemperatureHandler extends ConverterHandler {

		private static TemperatureConverter tempconv = new TemperatureConverter();

		// setup frame to be used in JOptionPane
		public TemperatureHandler(JFrame frame) {
			super(frame, tempconv, "Input fahrenheit temperature to convert");

		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {


	//Setup for input box for distance converter
	private static class DistanceHandler extends ConverterHandler {

		private static DistanceConverter distconv = new DistanceConverter();

		// setup frame to be used in JOptionPane
		public DistanceHandler(JFrame frame) {
			super(frame, distconv, "Input miles distance to convert");

		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {


	// exit event handler
	private static class ExitHandler implements ActionListener {

			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

	//Main to display buttons
	public static void main(String[] args) {

		GUIConverter g = new GUIConverter();

		// create JButton instances
		JButton distButton = new JButton("Distance Converter");
		JButton tempButton = new JButton("Temperature Converter");
		JButton exitButton = new JButton("Exit");

		// create frame
		JFrame window = new JFrame("Welcome to Converter");

		// add buttons to the panel
		JPanel content = new JPanel();
		content.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

		// Tell buttons where to look for function
		TemperatureHandler tempListener = new TemperatureHandler(window);
		DistanceHandler distListener = new DistanceHandler(window);
		ExitHandler exitListener = new ExitHandler();

		// add buttons to panel
		content.add(tempButton, BorderLayout.EAST);
		content.add(exitButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
		content.add(distButton, BorderLayout.CENTER);

		// adds content we created above

		// setup size and location
		window.setSize(450,200);	// sets size of the window
		window.setLocation(300,400);  // sets x,y location where it should display
		window.setVisible(true);	// makes it visible