This is the code I wrote for a project in SDEV 300:

I want to point out that I am particularly fond of this piece of code because it has evolved from the first bits of code I wrote for UMGC

  """  Kassandra Ring ******** 1/28/2023******* SDEV 300 """
# Program calculates how much older than Google the user is.

# importing date class from datetime
from datetime import date

#Welcome message and request for input
print ("Welcome to Nothing is Real Google Age Difference Calculator")

while True:
        birthyear = input("Please enter the year you were born: ")
#Calculates age of user
        date =
        age = (date.year- int(birthyear))

#Calculates age of Google
        google_age = (date.year- 1998)

#Establish variable for difference
        difference = (int(age)-int(google_age))
    except ValueError:
        print("Please enter a number")

#Prints difference between age of user and age of google.
#If number is negative prints "younger" rather than older.

if (age-google_age) < 0:
    print (("In"), (date.year), ("you are"), (difference*-1), ("years younger than Google!"))

    print (("In"), (date.year), ("you are"), (difference), ("years older than Google!"))